Sunday, March 13, 2011

A Reader

About a month ago I was gifted Bernhard Schlink’s novel The Reader, and upon finishing it I allowed my mind to revisit the idea of blogging.  Schlink tells the story of a grown woman and a teenage boy who share a summer’s affair while highlighting the value of literacy and the shame of its counterpart.  The Reader emphasized the power of my own literacy, not only my ability to read such literary treasures but also my ability to write about them.  In this post graduate life of mine I made the bold decision to live without television.  I still value “my shows” and frequent the internet for the necessary episode updates, but I am currently living without cable and T.V.; a life choice which I have reaped a new found blessing from: the passion for reading. 
Truth be told I have embarked on a new life journey, one of which includes embracing the time and space to read for pleasure.  As I trudge through this new life I have built for myself consisting of student loans, twelve hour night shifts, one bedroom apartments, long distance friendships, and karaoke bars why not take advantage of this online community of bloggers to process through the shit at the end of the day and all the novels in between.

1 comment:

  1. Couldn't have said it better myself! Welcome to the blogging world, AND world with out TV. It's quite an extraordinary thing. We quite like it. :)
